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United States
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
The U.S. National Science Foundation’s Office of Polar Programs (OPP) in the Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) and the Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) have awarded $4 million to Oregon State University to facilitate and manage the Polar Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (Polar STEAM) initiative. Educators, artists and writers who participate in the initiative will be given unique professional development opportunities in the Arctic or Antarctic through research station residencies and virtual and in-person experiences. Continue Reading
Calling Antarctic life scientists, genome scientists, informaticians, evolutionary biologists, experimentalists and computational biologists. We are seeking to develop a new research initiative for those with expertise and interest in applying ‘omics approaches to address key research questions on adaptation, evolution and diversity of Antarctic life. The “Mapping the future applications of ‘omics in Antarctic research” workshop will be an important community-building and initiative-planning event. Workshop Details: When: Oct. 18-19 2022 from 8-14:00 Pacific/11-17:00 Eastern time. Application Deadline: Sept. 26, 2022. Continue Reading
NSF's Office of Polar Programs (OPP) enlisted subject matter experts to examine sexual harassment and sexual assault in the USAP Community and identify corrective actions for concerns revealed by interviews and surveys. Read more about this effort and the report. Continue Reading
This September the Polar Science Early Career Community Office (PSECCO) is putting on a cohort-building and 'what to expect' series of events for early career researchers (ECRs) headed to Antarctica in the 2022-2023 season. Registration for these events is now open! There are also some events that are absolutely also open to any polar early career scientists who are just generally interested in Antarctica. Event dates and topics are: (i) September 06 - what to expect in Antarctica: a panel discussion for first-timers headed south; (ii) September 13 - lightning talks & social call for early career scientists headed to Antarctica; and (iii) September 22 - Antarctic Governance 101. Read more to access the links for registering. Continue Reading
Congratulations to the 2022 SCAR Medal Awardees, which include two US scientists: (1) Elisabeth Sikes (Rutgers University), SCAR Medal for Excellence in Antarctic Research; and (2) Stephen Ackley (University of Texas at San Antonio), SCAR Medal for International Scientific Coordination. Other recipients were Pippa Whitehouse (Durham University, UK), SCAR Medal for Excellence in Antarctic Research; and Bethan Davies (Royal Holloway University and Newcastle University, UK), SCAR Medal for Education and Communication. Continue Reading
The internationally recognised Erskine programme at University of Canterbury (UC), Christchurch, New Zealand currently supports international senior academics to complete lectures to UC undergraduate and postgraduate students. In the spirit of international cooperation associated with Antarctic research and scholarship, and to recognise Christchurch’s role as one of only five Antarctic Gateway cities, the University of Canterbury has recently created a new Short term Antarctic Visiting Erskine Fellowship programme. This new fellowship will support researchers travelling through Ōtautahi/Christchurch on their way to Antarctica to complete short visits (two to four weeks) to connect with University of Canterbury staff and students. Continue Reading
The Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) Symposium, Southern Ocean in a Changing World, will be held 14-18 August 2023 in Hobart, Tasmania. The SOOS Symposium will consist of plenary presentations, parallel sessions and workshops. These will be focused around topics and incorporate a wide spectrum of Southern Ocean research. Continue Reading
The Polar Science Early Career Community Office (PSECCO) is offering a belonging, accessibility, justice, equity, diversity & inclusion (BAJEDI) Training Workshop for polar early career scientists run in conjunction with THRIVE Lifeline, a non-profit dedicated to “changing the landscape of mental health support for people with intersecting marginalized identities” with excellent experience in running BAJEDI workshops for people in the STEMM field. This workshop is open for ALL polar early career scientists (from all stages of ‘early career’ to all disciplines to all identities). This training workshop will be run as a two-part series. Early bird registration closes on August 15th, so be sure to secure your spot by then if you are definitely keen to attend. Registration for the training is $10. Continue Reading
The 10th SCAR Open Science Conference will start on Monday August 1. Registration is free. Hope to "see" you there! Continue Reading
Tuesday, July 26. Interested in learning more about the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), and getting a quick update on SCAR Life Sciences Group activities and opportunities for involvement? Join the US representatives to the SCAR Life Sciences Group on Tuesday July 26 for a short (one hour) interactive Zoom session. Continue Reading
The recommendations and requirements laid out in this letter aim to advance open polar data to maximize the benefit of NSF's investments in research, facilitate transparency and replicability in polar science, and increase the impact of polar research. Office of Polar Programs (OPP) PIs are directed to align their research and dissemination plans and activities with the FAIR data principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) and CARE principles for Indigenous data governance (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsibility, Ethics). In this regard, research software/code is identified as a research object and outcome that can also help make data more interoperable and reusable. OPP also recognizes the effort that goes into data and sample management and therefore, beyond encouraging data and sample reuse, OPP expects appropriate authorship, attribution, and citation of data, samples, and code. Continue Reading
The 2022 SCAR Visiting Scholar scheme is open for applications! The SCAR Visiting Scholars program is for mid- to late-career stage scientists and academics (at least 5 years after completing their PhD) who are involved in Antarctic research. The program provides the opportunity to undertake a short-term visit (1 to 4 weeks) to an institute(s) in another SCAR member country to provide training and mentoring. See SCAR website for details and how to apply. The closing date for applications is Wednesday 28 September 2022. Continue Reading
The Polar Science Early Career Community Office (PSECCO) is opening the PSECCO Conference Travel Grant Program to US-based polar early career scientists and educators who are in need of funding to attend an international or domestic conference at which they intend to present polar science-related content. Travel funding grants aim to support polar early career scientists and educators with demonstrated financial need. The deadline by which to apply is August 14, 2022 at 11.59pm MT. Continue Reading
Thursday, July 14. Interested in learning more about the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), and getting a quick update on SCAR Geosciences Group activities and opportunities for involvement? Join the US representatives to the SCAR Geosciences Science Group on Thursday July 14 for a short (one hour) interactive Zoom session. Continue Reading
In advance of the virtual SCAR Business Meetings (July 27-29) and the SCAR Open Science Conference (August 1-10), US-SCAR will be holding short (one hour) Zoom sessions to provide overviews of SCAR activities for the Geosciences, Life Sciences, and Physical Sciences Groups. These three Science Groups help to coordinate the international collaborations that are the hallmark of SCAR's work. These Science Groups oversee the three SCAR Scientific Research Programs: Near-term Variability and Prediction of the Antarctic Climate System (AntClimnow), Integrated Science to Inform Antarctic and Southern Ocean Conservation (Ant-ICON) and INStabilities and Thresholds in ANTarctica (INSTANT); and these Science Groups have a number of specialized subsidiary bodies that may be of interest to US scientists. Whether you already know about SCAR or want to learn about SCAR, please join us for these informative sessions. There will be ample time provided for questions and discussion. Come learn how to get involved in SCAR. Continue Reading
The Polar Science Early Career Community Office (PSECCO) announces the following opportunities for polar early career scientists: (1) PSECCO Social for Polar Early Career Scientists - June 29, 2022, (2) PSECCO Community Space Slack Channel, and (3) NSF Polar Program Office Chat for Early Career Scientists – July 12, 2022. Continue Reading
The National Academies' Polar Research Board (PRB) is currently soliciting nominations for PRB Members. For this call, we particularly encourage nominees with expertise in glaciology, sea ice, marine and terrestrial conservation, hydrology, geology/geophysics, space science, resource management, and science policy. The Board’s purview extends across a wide range of scientific disciplines, and we would also welcome nominees with expertise in permafrost science, physical and biological oceanography, biology and ecology, atmospheric and climate science, sustainability of communities, and other aspects of social science and polar science policy. Nominations are due by Friday, July 8, 2022. Continue Reading
In advance of the virtual SCAR Business Meetings (July 27-29) and the SCAR Open Science Conference (August 1-10), US-SCAR will be holding short (one hour) Zoom sessions to provide overviews of SCAR activities for the Geosciences, Life Sciences, and Physical Sciences Groups. These three Science Groups help to coordinate the international collaborations that are the hallmark of SCAR's work. These Science Groups oversee the three SCAR Scientific Research Programs: Near-term Variability and Prediction of the Antarctic Climate System (AntClimnow), Integrated Science to Inform Antarctic and Southern Ocean Conservation (Ant-ICON) and INStabilities and Thresholds in ANTarctica (INSTANT); and these Science Groups have a number of specialized subsidiary bodies that may be of interest to US scientists. Whether you already know about SCAR or want to learn about SCAR, please join us for these informative sessions. There will be ample time provided for questions and discussion. Come learn how to get involved in SCAR. Continue Reading
SCAR announced today that the registration fee for the Open Science Conference (August 1-10) will be waived for everyone. Attendance at the meeting will be free for all. Continue Reading
The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Open Science Conference (OSC) is held every two years and will be a virtual meeting hosted by India from 1-10 August 2022 ( The SCAR OSC is an excellent opportunity to present, hear about and discuss the most recent and important results of Antarctic research in all disciplines at an international venue. Registration fee reimbursement by US-SCAR: Meeting registration is $25 until June 30 ($50 for non-students after June 30). If needed, US-SCAR can reimburse the registration fee ($25 limit) for early career and other researchers who want to attend the SCAR OSC. All meeting attendees can apply for reimbursement of registration, you do not need to be presenting a talk or a poster. Funding is provided by the National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs, Antarctic Sciences. Continue Reading
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