United States
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

2nd US Antarctic Science Meeting

20-23 June 2023

Online (Zoom) conference hosted by the
US Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (US-SCAR)

No registration fee
This meeting is supported by funding from U.S. National Science Foundation/Office of Polar Programs/Antarctic Sciences

Meeting Program Book with schedule, abstracts and links to recordings

Video Recordings from the Meeting

Caption that Photo


Video Recordings

The recordings from the panels and lightning talks are available on the US-SCAR YouTube channel





US-SCAR is hosting a meeting for US scientists who are conducting research in, from or about Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. Scientists interested in getting involved in Antarctic research through US programs are also welcome and encouraged to attend. This conference is open to all US scientists and anyone interested in US Antarctic research. There is no registration fee.

The meeting will provide opportunities for US Antarctic scientists to get together and present their work, and for early career researchers and others new to Antarctic science to learn about SCAR and the various resources available to US scientists for Antarctic-related research. There will be a mix of Lightning Talks, panels and social activities for the US Antarctic Community to meet and interact.

The meeting and associated events will be on Zoom. The schedule (see below) is set for two hours each day (one hour science and one hour panel) with additional time added for socializing. The panels will have brief presentations by panelists, and most of the time will be devoted to questions and discussion. The meeting will be similar in format to the 2021 US Antarctic Science Meeting.



The Zoom link for the meeting is provided with registration. https://usfca.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrf-CprDsiH9BsMbMGiG5MOAIKvHcDH54i



Start time: 3 pm EDT, 2 pm CDT, 1 pm MDT, 12 pm PDT, 11 am AKDT, 9 am HST

Meeting Program Book with schedule, abstracts and links to recordings

June 20, Tuesday  
 12:00 pm PDT:Opening session: Introduction to Meeting  
 12:30 pm PDT:

SCAR Panel: Introduction to SCAR Science Groups and US Representatives

Moderator: Al Weatherwax, US Alternate Delegate to SCAR, MIT

Topics and Panelists:

  • SCAR Geosciences Group
    US Representatives: Samantha Hansen, University of Alabama|Tuscaloosa; Julia Wellner, University of Houston; Hongjie Xie, The University of Texas|San Antonio
  • SCAR Physical Sciences Group
    US Representatives: John Cassano, University of Colorado|Boulder; Lu Lu, University of Wisconsin|Madison; Kirsty Tinto, Columbia University
  • SCAR Life Sciences Group
    US Representatives: Byron Adams, Brigham Young University; Charles Amsler, University of Alabama|Birmingham; George Watters, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • SCAR Standing Committee on Antarctic Data Management
    US Representative: Frank Nitsche, Columbia University
  • SCAR Standing Committee on Antarctic Geographic Information
    US Representative: Cole Kelleher, University of Minnesota|Twin Cities
June 21, Wednesday  
 12:00 pm PDT:

NSF Panel: NSF US Antarctic Program Information and Updates

Moderator: Rebecca Gast, Antarctic Sciences Program Director, Organisms and Ecosystems


  • NSF/Office of Polar Programs/Antarctic Sciences Program Officers
 1:00 pm PDT:Concurrent Sessions (A – Astronomy, B – Education and Resources, C – Ecosystems) Abstracts  
 2:00 pm PDT:Social activity - Antarctic Trivia  
June 22, Thursday  
 12:00 pm PDT:

Science and Policy Panel

Moderator: Bill Muntean, Senior Advisor, Antarctica, US Department of State


  • Jason Donovan, Director of the Office of Science and Technology Cooperation, US Department of State
  • Andrew Titmus, Environmental Program Manager, NSF Office of Polar Programs
  • Jefferson Hinke, Research Fishery Biologist for the Antarctic Ecosystem Research Division of NOAA Fisheries and member of the US delegation to the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Living Marine Resources (CCAMLR)
 1:00 pm PDT:Concurrent Sessions (D – IceCube, E – Biogeochemistry) Abstracts  
 2:00 pm PDT:Social activity - Caption That Photo (submit a photo online)  
June 23, Friday  
 12:00 pm PDT:Concurrent Sessions (F – Astrophysics and Geophysics, G – Physical Oceanography) Abstracts  
 1:00 pm PDT:Concurrent Sessions (H – Genetics and Physiology, I – Environmental Change) Abstracts  


Lightning Talks

Anyone formally affiliated with a US institution, organization, agency, etc. can submit an abstract for a talk. The abstract submission deadline is May 24, 2023. Abstract should be <1300 characters. Presentations need to be pre-recorded and uploaded by June 5.

To maximize interactions, provide ample time for questions and to keep the online format effective, talks will be pre-recorded and limited to five minutes, what is referred to as a “Lightning Talk”. There is much information about Lightning Talks available on the Internet, here are a few sources with explanations and tips: SSI, ST, BL.

Please see the instructions for details specific to the US Antarctic Science Meeting. You will only be allowed one abstract as a lead author, there is no limit as a co-author.

For presenters: Since a five-minute talk means that you may have to skip over many details, you have the option to provide a poster or a longer pre-recorded presentation (maximum 15 minutes) that will be posted online for public viewing. Anyone interested in the details of your work will have the opportunity to learn more. Optional supplemental materials can be submitted online.


Schedule for Lightning Talks

Wednesday, June 21, 1 pm PDT

Meeting Program Book with schedule, abstracts and links to recordings

Session A – Astronomy

Al Weatherwax, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Amy Bender, Argonne National Laboratory

A1Status and Plans for the South Pole Telescope
Sobrin J, on behalf of the South Pole Telescope Collaboration
A2SPT-SLIM: Line Intensity Mapping on the South Pole Telescope
Anderson AJ, on behalf of the SPT-SLIM Collaboration
A3SPT-3G+: A Next-generation High-frequency CMB Camera for the South Pole Telescope
Dibert K, on behalf of the South Pole Telescope Collaboration
A4Observing the Origin of the Universe from the South Pole
Bischoff C, on behalf of BICEP/Keck Collaboration
A5Calibration Efforts for the BICEP/Keck CMB Polarimeters
Elwood BD
A6The Askaryan Radio Array (ARA)
Muzio M, on behalf of the ARA Collaboration

Session B – Education and Resources

Maggie Amsler, University of Alabama | Birmingham
Sabrina Heiser, University of Texas | Austin

B1The Polar Rock Repository: An Invaluable Resource for Antarctic Paleoclimate Research
Stutz J, Grunow A, Maletic E
B2Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center: Data Repository Version 1.0
Lazzara M, Noojin M, Phillips J, Shannon K, Mikolajczyk D, Welhouse L, Havens J, Robaidek J, Norton T, Onsi I, Koudelka E, Tomanek A, Keller L, Graham O, Suplinski C, Idrissi Z, Hernandez-Natera M
B3Data to the Rescue: Penguins Need Our Help! Lessons Learned on How to Build STEM Identity in Youth using Data from Antarctica's Long-term Ecological Research Program
McDonnell J, Hotaling L, Staffen M, Walsh K, Newman M, Schofield O, and Cimino M
B4Broader Impacts With NSF-Funded Polar STEAM
Pratt M
B5A Year of PSECCO Supporting Early Career Scientists to Advance Equity and Inclusion in the Polar Sciences
Dryák-Vallies MC, Batchelor R, Markle B, Gold AU
B6Out of This World: Promoting Graduate Student Understanding of Space through Education on Antarctica
Ogden B and Devlin M

Session C – Ecosystems

Chuck Amsler, University of Alabama | Birmingham
Hannah Oswalt, University of Alabama | Birmingham

C1How Do Flow, Light, and Algae Levels Affect Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) Schooling Behavior in a Laboratory Test Facility?
Garayev K, Scott C, Murphy DW
C2The Influence of Feculence: Grazing Rate Changes in Antarctic Krill (Euphausia superba) in the presence of Penguin Guano
Hellessey N, Weissburg M, Fields D
C3Community Assembly in a High Polar Desert and Implications for Inter-trophic Interactions
Jorna J, Adams B
C4The Warmest March: Soil Biota Response to an Extreme Warm Weather Event in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
Snyder MD, Barrett JE, Salvatore MR, Adams B, Doran P
C5Distribution of Terrestrial Micro-Invertebrates in the McMurdo Dry Valleys
Wood M, Salvatore M, Barrett JE

Thursday, June 22, 1 pm PDT

Meeting Program Book with schedule, abstracts and links to recordings

Session D – IceCube

Lu Lu, University of Wisconsin | Madison
Zoe Rechav, University of Wisconsin | Madison

D1Opportunities to Discovery New Physics with IceCube's High-Energy Neutrinos
Argüelles CA
D2The Anisotropy of Galactic Cosmic Ray and their Interaction in the Dynamic Antarctic Atmosphere
Desiati P, Abbasi R, Díaz Vélez JC, McNally F, Tilav S, Verpoest S
D3Neutrino Interaction Physics with IceCube
Klein SR
D4Neutrino Observation of the NGC 1068 Galaxy with IceCube
Taboada I, on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration
D5IceCube Observation of the Milky Way Galaxy
Sclafani S on behalf of the IceCube collaboration
D6New Measurement of Muon Neutrino Disappearance from IceCube
Yu S, Micallef J

Status and Science Case of the IceCube Upgrade
Yuan T, on behalf of the IceCube collaboration


Session E – Biogeochemistry

Byron Adams, Brigham Young University
Anna Wright, University of Colorado | Boulder

E1Biomass Transport in Ice Covered Antarctic Lakes
Juarez Rivera M, Mackey T
E2Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Stream Metabolism in the Ephemeral Streams of the McMurdo Dry Valleys
Wright A, Gooseff M, Cohen M
E3Evaluating Diatom-bound Nitrogen Isotopes as a Proxy for Circumpolar Deep Water Intrusion on the Western Antarctic Peninsula
Dove I, Jones C, Robinson R, Kelly RP
E4Plant-Soil Relationships During Ecosystem Succession after Glacial Retreat
Ball BA, Casanova Katny A, Eppley S, Prather H, Rosensteil T
E5Are Microbes Awake During the Polar Night? An Integrated Metabarcoding-Metagenomics-infrared Imaging Study
Valdespino-Castillo P, Mercado-Juárez R, Ruberto L, Mac Cormack W, Falcón LI, Merino-Ibarra M, Batista S, Alcántara-Hernández R, Holman H-Y
E6Preliminary Data on the Provenance of Glacial Till in Vernier Valley, Antarctica
Morgan DJ, Megerian CE, Breitzmann P, Chen M, McGlynn N

Friday, June 23, 12 pm PDT

Meeting Program Book with schedule, abstracts and links to recordings

Session F – Astrophysics and Geophysics

Kirsty Tinto, Columbia University
Evelyn Powell, Columbia University

F1Exploring the Microwave Sky with CMB-S4
Bender AN, on behalf of the CMB-S4 Collaboration
F2Investigating the Dynamics of Geospace Environment from Antarctica: 2-D Magnetometer Array
Xu Z, Hartinger M, Kim H, Coyle S, Noh S, Weimer D, Öztürk DS, Kuzicheve I, Weygand J, Clauer R
F3Mapping Geomagnetic Conjugate Relationships for Geospace Research in Polar Regions
Collins K
F4Imaging Subducted Materials Along the Earth’s Core-Mantle Boundary Using Seismic Data from Antarctica: Implications for Ultralow Velocity Zones
Hansen S, Garnero E, Li M, Shim S-H, Rost S

Session G – Physical Oceanography

Lynn Kaluzienski, University of Alaska | Southeast

G1Mesoscale and Submesoscale Processes Within Curved Ocean Fronts
Buckingham CE, Tandon A, Singh S
G2Has the Net Drake Passage Transport Accelerated Over the Last 15 Years in Response to the Increased Wind Over the Antarctic Circumpolar Current?
Gutierrez-Villanueva MO, Chereskin TK, Sprintall J
G3Antarctic Slope Undercurrent and Onshore Heat Transport Driven by Meltwater Upwelling
Si Y, Stewart AL, Silvano A, Naveira Garabato AC
G4Observed Seasonality of Mixed-Layer Eddies and Vertical Heat Transport over the Antarctic Continental Shelf
Spungin S, Si Y, Stewart A

Friday, June 23, 1 pm PDT

Session H – Genetics and Physiology

Joanna Kelley, University of California | Santa Cruz
Sam Bogan, University of California | Santa Barbara

H1Taxonomic Diversity and Biogeography of Eudorylaimus sp. in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica
Borgmeier A, Ollis T, Adams B
H2Molecular Basis of Hemoglobin Multiplicity Reduction in Antarctic Notothenioids
Desvignes T, Bista I, Herrera K, Landes A, Postlethwait JH
H3Strong Genetic Differentiation and Selfing Shape the Population Structure of a Red Macroalgal Ecosystem Engineer
Heiser S, Amsler CD, Shilling AJ, McClintock JB, Baker BJ, Krueger-Hadfield SA
H4Environmental DNA Metabarcoding of Biodiversity Along the Antarctic Peninsula
Mahon AR, Armstrong MN, Halanych KM, Jerde CL
H5Multiple Stress Tolerance in an Antarctic Insect
Teets NM, Devlin JJ, Lima C, Kawarasaki Y, Michel AP, Convey P, Hayward SAL
H6Thermosensors in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes
York, JM
H7A Tale of Two Notothenioids: Examining the Differential Performance of Trematomus pennellii and Trematomus bernacchii under Climate Change Conditions
Frazier A, Mandic M, Naslund A, Zillig K, Todgham A

Session I – Environmental Change

Sam Hansen, University of Alabama | Tuscaloosa
Marisol Juarez Rivera, University of New Mexico

I1"Always a Little Further": Antarctica and the Future of Human Climate Migration
Devlin M, Ogden B
I2Assessing Soil and Air Temperature Linkages with Satellite-Based Snow Cover Observations in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
Hoheneder TJ, Johnston J, Jacobs JM
I3Quantifying Potential Plastic Pollutant Pathways and Sources on the West Antarctic Peninsula
Gallagher K, Cimino M, Dinniman MS, Lynch HL
I4The Antarctic Heat Wave of March 2022 – Characteristics and Attribution of the Largest Ever Recorded Heatwave
Blanchard-Wrigglesworth E, Cox T, Espinosa Z, Donohoe A
I5The Physics of Summertime Antarctic Extreme Heat Events
Espinosa Z, Blanchard-Wrigglesworth E, Donohoe A, Cox T, Bitz C