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United States
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
The U.S. SCAR (US-SCAR) Office at the University of San Francisco is a focal point for U.S. participation in SCAR. The US-SCAR Office is funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of Polar Programs, Antarctic Sciences. The National Academies Polar Research Board serves as the U.S. National Committee to SCAR, and the U.S. Antarctic scientific community is represented by the US-SCAR Team. US-SCAR promotes polar science within the U.S. and the international Antarctic scientific community by facilitating the participation of U.S. scientists in SCAR activities and supporting U.S. attendance, particularly of early career researchers, at the SCAR Open Science Conferences, the SCAR Biology Symposia, and the SCAR International Symposia on Antarctic Earth Sciences.
The members of the US-SCAR Team are your representatives. Contact information is provided for the US-SCAR Team if you would like to receive further information about SCAR programs or activities.
Deneb Karentz (term: 9/1/2018 -- 7/31/2025)
Professor, Departments of Biology and Environmental Science, University of San Francisco
Allan T. Weatherwax (term: 9/1/2018 -- 7/31/2025)
Research Scientist, Haystack Observatory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Frank Nitsche
Research Scientist, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
Cole Kelleher
Satellite Tasking Coordinator, Polar Geospatial Center, University of Minnesota
April Melvin
Senior Program Officer; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Lynn Kaluzienski
Post-doctoral Scholar, University of Alaska Southeast
Isabel Dove
Post-doctoral Scholar, University of Rhode Island
Joseph Souney
Research Project Manager, University of New Hampshire
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