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Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
The deadline for researchers interested in NSF funding for Antarctic fieldwork must submit a concept outline no later than January 17. More information can be found in the Antarctic Research Requiring U.S. Antarctic Program Support for Fieldwork solicitation, NSF 23-509: Continue Reading
On January 10, at 1pm Eastern Time (US and Canada), join researcher Jean Pennycook live from the Cape Royds penguin colony in Antarctica! A seasoned researcher, Jean is part of a team conducting globally unique demographic studies of Adélie penguins in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. The study uses penguin-borne sensors to evaluate foraging conditions and behavior and environmental conditions on Adélies. Continue Reading
Wanting to know more about non-tenure track faculty jobs and what opportunities exist for polar scientists beyond academia? The Polar Science Early Career Community Office (PSECCO) has put together its first panel to discuss job opportunities beyond academia for polar scientists. What you learn here will absolutely be transferrable to jobs outside of polar science too, so be sure to spread word of this event far and wide! The panel will take place on Tuesday, January 24, 2023, from 9am to 10.30am AKT | 11am to 12.30pm MT | 1pm to 2.30pm ET. Continue Reading
SCAR is pleased to announce the inaugural SCAR Ant-ICON | SC-ATS science-policy fellowship programme for early-mid career researchers (EMCRs). The aim of the fellowship programme is to provide the opportunity for EMCRs to gain experience in the science-policy interface from participating in Antarctic policy forums through the preparation and potential submission of a science/policy paper based on their research, in collaboration with SC-ATS. The fellowships are open to early-mid career researchers from all SCAR member countries. Preference will be given to researchers who have not previously participated in these meetings and are actively seeking to contribute. The deadline for applications is 16 January 2023. Continue Reading
Following their recently renewed partnership agreement, the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) and Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) are pleased to confirm that preparatory work has started for a 5th International Polar Year (IPY) in 2032-33. Organizing the 5th IPY 25 years after the last IPY in 2007-08 reflects the urgent need for coordinated international research to tackle the biggest challenges of polar research, for both the Polar Regions themselves and for the world as a whole. Continue Reading
The National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs (OPP) is inviting members of the USAP community to an upcoming Sexual Assault Harassment Prevention and Response (SAHPR) virtual Listening Session taking place on December 13th (Eastern). Additional virtual Listening Sessions will be taking place in January and February 2023 as well. Continue Reading
Happy Antarctica Day! December 1 is Antarctica Day, celebrating the anniversary of the signing of the Antarctic Treaty in 1959. Also, earlier this year, SCAR worked with scientists across the globe to produce the Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment Decadal Synopsis (ACCE). The report provides a summary of a decade’s worth of research, and its eight chapters leave little room for doubt: The continent is warming, and so is its surrounding Southern Ocean. Learn more about SCAR's new animation that summarizes the key messages from the report, and for links to read the ACCE report in full and to obtain a set of infographics to accompany the report. Continue Reading
The National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs, Antarctic Sciences Section, is seeking a qualified candidate for a Physical Science Administrator (Program Director) position. Interested candidates can learn more about the position and apply by January 16, 2023, on the USAJOBS website. Continue Reading
The public is invited to the first meeting of the committee on Future Directions for Southern Ocean and Antarctic Nearshore and Coastal Research to take place on December 5, 2022, from 1:30PM - 3:15PM ET. The committee will hear from the sponsors of this study and discuss the statement of task. This committee meeting will take place virtually and will be webcast on the event page. This event is open to the public and free to attend. Continue Reading
Under the growing global geopolitical challenges, are the Antarctic Treaty System and its legal system (ATS) still fit for its purpose of maintaining the Antarctica as a natural reserve, devoted to peace and science? Looking into the future meetings to be held in Finland in 2023, Italy in 2025 and Japan in 2026, the world’s renowned experts will discuss whether the ATS has the capacity to continue as a dominant Antarctic governance regime. This Symposium, being held on December 1, 2022, is being held in Japan (in English) and will be available on Zoom (no fees). It is part of the KOBE PCRC Antarctic Open Symposium Series. Continue Reading
The Antarctic Sciences (ANT) Section of the Office of Polar Programs (OPP) will be hosting a virtual Office Hour this Thursday, November 17 from 2pm to 3pm Eastern time to (i) provide Antarctic Sciences updates, (ii) introduce the two new Antarctic Science solicitations, NSF 23-508 and NSF 23-509, (iii) provide you with an overview of the Antarctic Research Vessel (ARV), courtesy of Tim McGovern from OPP’s Antarctic Infrastructure and Logistics Section, and (iv) engage with you in a question-and-answer session. All USAP participants – including current awardees, pending proposers, and future proposers – are welcome to attend. Continue Reading
The Office of Polar Programs Antarctic (ANT) Sciences Section has released two solicitations for Antarctic research: one for research requiring field support and one for research not requiring field support. Diversifying and broadening participation is a priority for the Antarctic Sciences Section. ANT encourages the leadership, partnership, and contributions of individuals who are members of groups underrepresented and/or underserved in all opportunities in STEM education programs and careers Continue Reading
Following up on the success of the 2021 US Antarctic Science Meeting, US-SCAR will host a second US meeting in 2023 (20-23 June). This meeting is for US scientists who are conducting research in, from or about Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. Scientists interested in getting involved in Antarctic research through US programs are also welcome and encouraged to attend. (Registration will be free.) The 2023 meeting will have a similar format to the 2021 meeting with plenary and contributed parallel sessions running for a few hours on each day. Further details and the call for abstracts will be sent out in January, but please mark your calendar now. Continue Reading
The XIII SCAR Biology Symposium will be held in Christchurch, New Zealand (31 July - 4 August 2023). The call for abstracts opens 7 December 2022 and will be announced here. Partial travel support for US scientists will be available through US-SCAR with funding from NSF Polar Programs/Antarctic Sciences. Details about how to apply for a travel award will be sent through this US-SCAR mail list in December. Continue Reading
As an organization committed to enhancing diversity and inclusion, and working towards building an inclusive and just environment in the polar sciences, the Polar Science Early Career Community Office (PSECCO) is excited to announce the pre-solicitation call for polar early career individuals and organizations to apply for PSECCO Belonging, Accessibility, Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (BAJEDI) Micro-grants! Do you have an idea that will advance BAJEDI in the polar regions but need a little funding to bring that idea to fruition? PSECCO is looking to support people or organizations with plans that will lead to tangible impacts in these areas, and the full solicitation has just been released! Deadline by which to apply is: October 31, 2022 at 11.59pm MT. Continue Reading
The Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR) is an international scientific organization that promotes and facilitates cooperation in all aspects of Antarctic research. The Polar Research Board of the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine serves as the U.S. National Committee to SCAR and is responsible for selection of U.S. representatives. We are currently seeking nominations for candidates to fill one representative position in the Geosciences Group. We seek candidates who have some existing understanding of SCAR’s structure and goals, have a strong commitment to SCAR’s vision for international research cooperation, are well-respected in their fields of work, and have a broad understanding of polar-region research more generally. Science Group representatives are appointed for a 6-year term and are expected to actively participate in the SCAR international business meetings and Open Science Conference that take place every other year (travel support is provided). In between the international meetings, SCAR representatives contribute to a variety of activities to help build community and expand SCAR engagement among U.S. Antarctic researchers. Please submit your nominations by Friday, October 14 to Morgan Disbrow-Monz ( Continue Reading
Dr. Rebecca Gast joins the NSF Office of Polar Programs from the Biology Department, Woods Hole Institution of Oceanography, where she is an Associate Scientist. Dr. Gast received her PhD in Molecular Genetics from the Ohio State University in 1994. Dr. Gast’s research pairs contemporary genomic technologies with more traditional lab and field approaches to studying marine organisms. A focus of her research is to evaluate the diversity and ecology of environmental protists. She also studies tubulin protein adaptations associated with psychrophilic functions to better understand how organisms have evolved to operate in the extreme cold. Since 2021, Dr. Gast has co-led the Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Mixotrophs and Mixotrophy Working Group. Continue Reading
A new NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Seafloor Geodesy 2022, (NSF DCL 22-124) has been posted inviting proposals for seafloor geodesy field campaigns to deploy transponders from an existing instrument pool for 1-4 sites at tectonic settings that target volcanic processes, transform processes, plate motions, or polar regions as identified in the 2021 Community Workshop report on Seafloor Geodesy. The geodetic instruments have a depth limit of 3000 m and a multi-year deployment is envisioned with requisite waveglider surveys. Projects can be Program Investigator-driven or Community-driven. Proposers should contact program officers Gail Christeson or Michael Jackson early in the proposal development process for seafloor geodetic facility budget preparation guidance. Proposals should be submitted by February 15, 2023. Continue Reading
A Ross Sea Planning Meeting aimed at formulating and sustaining a system-level research program in the Ross Sea in support of the Ross Sea Region Marine Protected Area (RSRMPA) is being held in person at the University of Colorado in Boulder from Oct 3 to Oct 5, 2022. Please see our website for more information: . If you have any questions, please email Cassandra Brooks ( Continue Reading
The National Academies’ Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, in collaboration with the Polar Research Board and Ocean Studies Board, are currently soliciting nominations for a new ad hoc committee that will provide guidance to the National Science Foundation’s Office of Polar Programs on future directions for Southern Ocean and Antarctic nearshore and coastal research. The study will provide guidance on key science drivers and consider the portfolio of tools, technologies, and ship capabilities needed to address these drivers. The National Academies is seeking individuals to serve on the committee with expertise in physical, chemical, and biological oceanography (particularly in ice-covered seas and among glaciers) and ocean technologies, continental margin processes, land-ocean-ice interactions, and Antarctic marine life and ecosystems. Self-nominations are welcome. The deadline to submit a nomination is September 19, 2022. Continue Reading
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