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Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
A two-day workshop will be held at the Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience (University of Florida) in 2024 (July 22 & 23). Participants should plan to arrive on the afternoon of July 21st and depart in the morning or afternoon on July 24th. The workshop organizers, Dr. Scott Santagata and Dr. Joseph Ryan, will lead participants through a series of computational exercises using our SELECTINGS pipeline. Participants are encouraged to work with their own NGS-based datasets, but sample datasets will also be provided and analyzed using a bioinformatics platform. Applicants with transcriptomic datasets that span ecological boundaries (e.g. high vs. low latitudinal habitats, marine vs. freshwater habitats, deep vs. shallow water habitats, etc.) will be given priority. However, anyone who is interested in learning these techniques is encouraged to apply. Continue Reading
The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of Polar Programs (OPP) recognizes that the Antarctic community is looking for promised updates on the infrastructure and logistics support to be provided by the United States Antarctic Program (USAP) for funded researchers during the 2024-2025 field season, and the status of the solicitation for proposals requesting USAP support in future seasons. Continue Reading
Thursday, March 21st @ 2:00-3:30 pm EST (11:00-12:30 pm PST) via Zoom. The expectations surrounding research data collected and produced by field projects have evolved (and continue to evolve!). Access to Antarctica has also changed and highlights the importance of opportunities for scientific discovery through our existing repositories. Born out of a WAIS community initiative in 2023, we welcome all to a virtual workshop to learn more about US Antarctic data and sample repositories, and what to expect when you want to post data, contribute samples, or access either. This workshop includes three NSF-funded data repositories and sample repositories: US Antarctic Program Data Center (hosted at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University), the Polar Rock Repository (associated with the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center at The Ohio State University) and the Marine and Geology Repository (at Oregon State University). Curators from these facilities will briefly cover the basics of what services they provide, how to deposit data and samples, and how access these resources that are currently available. The session will then be open to questions and discussion from online participants. Continue Reading
Reminder to please fill out this survey by Wednesday, March 20. The US Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (US-SCAR) is planning to host a series of online public workshops with NSF Antarctic Sciences and would like feedback from the US Antarctic Community on topics of interest. Please fill out this short survey to help us identify the most relevant issues that you would like to hear about and discuss with NSF. Responses will assist in developing the agenda for the workshop series, but workshops will be fairly open-ended to allow for wide discussion between NSF and the US Antarctic Community. Answers to this survey will be collected anonymously, and the responses will be used in aggregate to develop workshop themes. Please respond by March 20, 2024. Continue Reading
Update 1: Registration for the U.S. National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Spring 2024 NSF Grants Conference is now open! NSF will host the hybrid conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on June 3-5, 2024. Update 2: A revised version of the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 24-1) has been issued. The new PAPPG will be effective for proposals submitted or due on or after May 20, 2024. NSF will present information about these PAPPG changes in a webinar on March 12th at 2PM EST. Continue Reading
Thursday, March 21st @ 2:00-3:30 pm EST (11:00-12:30 pm PST) via Zoom. The expectations surrounding research data collected and produced by field projects have evolved (and continue to evolve!). Access to Antarctica has also changed and highlights the importance of opportunities for scientific discovery through our existing repositories. Born out of a WAIS community initiative in 2023, we welcome all to a virtual workshop to learn more about US Antarctic data and sample repositories, and what to expect when you want to post data, contribute samples, or access either. This workshop includes three NSF-funded data repositories and sample repositories: US Antarctic Program Data Center (hosted at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University), the Polar Rock Repository (associated with the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center at The Ohio State University) and the Marine and Geology Repository (at Oregon State University). Curators from these facilities will briefly cover the basics of what services they provide, how to deposit data and samples, and how access these resources that are currently available. The session will then be open to questions and discussion from online participants. Continue Reading
The Antarctic Sciences Section (ANT) of the Office of Polar Programs (OPP) is seeking a qualified candidate for the position of Program Director in Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (AOAS). The AOAS Program Director manages the AOAS sciences proposal-driven research portfolio, communicates with the scientific community and funding partners, and interacts with colleagues throughout the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF). The AOAS program director manages the proposal merit review process, coordinating as needed with Antarctic Infrastructure and Logistics for field-based projects, other programs in the Antarctic and Arctic sections of OPP and across NSF, and other funding agencies and international partners to achieve program goals. The deadline to apply is March 26, 2024. Continue Reading
The Polar Science Early Career Community Office (PSECCO)* Conference Travel Grant Program is now open for applications. Travel awards to attend and present polar-related work at a conference are open to US-based polar early career researchers (ECRs) and educators. In this March 2024 funding cycle, PSECCO will be distributing $5,000 of awards. Applicants may request a reasonable amount of funding to support their travel to/from a conference, up to a value of $900 per person, with awards aimed at those with demonstrated financial need. An additional $100 is available for awardees who organize a PSECCO social event at the conference. The application deadline is March 15, 2024 at 11.59pm MT. Continue Reading
The abstract submission deadline for the 11th SCAR Open Science Conference in Chile has been extended to Monday, 18th March 2024 at 23:59 UTC. This will be the final abstract submission deadline, so please make sure to submit your abstract in time. Abstracts can be submitted electronically through the conference website, There is no abstract submission fee. Before submitting your abstract familiarize yourself with the submission guidelines and list of 50 parallel sessions to find the best match. The parallel sessions cover a wide range of themes from the Physical Sciences, Geosciences, Life Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences as well as cross-disciplinary topics. Continue Reading
The US Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (US-SCAR) is planning to host a series of online public workshops with NSF Antarctic Sciences and would like feedback from the US Antarctic Community on topics of interest. Please fill out this short survey to help us identify the most relevant issues that you would like to hear about and discuss with NSF. Responses will assist in developing the agenda for the workshop series, but workshops will be fairly open-ended to allow for wide discussion between NSF and the US Antarctic Community. Answers to this survey will be collected anonymously, and the responses will be used in aggregate to develop workshop themes. Please respond by March 20, 2024. Continue Reading
The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Open Science Conference (OSC) is held every two years, because of the pandemic this meeting has been virtual since 2020. The 2024 OSC will be in person 19-23 August 2024 in Pucón, Chile. The SCAR OSC is an excellent opportunity to present and discuss the most recent and important results of Antarctic research at an international venue. Deadline for abstracts is Monday, 4 March 2024. Applications for partial travel support (e.g., airfare, ground transportation, accommodation, and/or meeting registration) will be accepted from students, post-doctoral researchers and other scientists at US institutions (funding cannot be provided to anyone at a non-US institution). Preference will be given to early career investigators (students and those within 5 years of completing a PhD). Individuals from underrepresented groups in the sciences (e.g., women, persons with disabilities, blacks, Hispanics, American Indians, Alaska Natives) are encouraged to apply. Deadline for Applications: 1 April 2024. Continue Reading
The Polar Science Early Career Community Office (PSECCO) is ecstatic to announce that in the spring of 2024 we will be hosting a three-part Leadership Workshop Series created by polar early-career scientists for polar early-career scientists! The tools introduced in this series will be applicable to polar research environments both in the lab and in the field. The series will be broken down into three main themes, each taking place during a different month. This workshop series is hosted by PSECCO and co-organized by early career polar researchers with years of leadership experience in academia or in the field, including Tasha Snow, Elisa McGhee, and Annika Horlings. Continue Reading
SCAR and the Chilean Antarctic Institute are pleased to invite you to the 11th SCAR Open Science Conference, scheduled to take place in Pucón, Chile, from 19-23 August 2024. Abstract submission for the 11th SCAR Open Science Conference is now open. US-SCAR has funding from NSF to provide partial travel support for US scientists (mostly for early career participants) to attend this meeting. Details to apply for travel funds will follow soon. Continue Reading
NSF has just released a Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) to request "Information on Technologies to Enable Observations in Remote-Extreme Environments". Patrick Smith is the GEO/OPP rep for this solicitation and can be contacted with questions. Continue Reading
The Juneau Icefield Research Program (JIRP) is an 8-week summer field course for students interested in undergraduate-level Polar sciences. Participants receive a wide range of training in Earth & climate sciences, alpine travel and safety skills, and science communication while traversing the Juneau Icefield from Southeast Alaska to northern British Columbia. We are seeking Students who are interested in participating in the JIRP 2024 Expedition. We are also seeking Faculty who are interested in teaching for 2 weeks during the student program. Continue Reading
SCAR has two new calls for fellowship applications for early career/mid-career scientists: (1) The Science Group Fellowship, and (2) Ant-ICON/SC-ATS Fellowship. See links for details about these programs and how to apply. Continue Reading
US-SCAR has added a new page (Useful Antarctic Links) to our website that provides a listing of Antarctic and Southern Ocean resources available on the Internet. This listing of websites is new and not complete. Please take a look and if you know of additional resources/links that should be added, you can use this form to send us your suggestions. Links in the list are long-term addresses and not short-term programs. Continue Reading
Future Directions for Southern Ocean and Antarctic Nearshore and Coastal Research is a consensus study report from the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Division on Earth and Life Studies; Board on Earth Sciences and Resources; Ocean Studies Board; Polar Research Board and the Committee on Future Directions for Southern Ocean and Antarctic Nearshore and Coastal Research. The report "identifies the highest priorities for research in the Southern Ocean and nearshore and coastal Antarctica, as well as gaps in current capabilities to support this research. Global sea level rise, heat and carbon budgets, and changing ecosystems are the three highest-priority science drivers for research in the region. To address those drivers and maintain a robust U.S. research presence in this vitally important region, investments are needed in the U.S. Antarctic program and its research platforms, including the development of new technologies and the replacement of aging icebreaking research vessels. Additionally, the U.S. should strengthen relationships with other nations’ Antarctic programs that can help support these essential science drivers." Continue Reading
US-SCAR is happy to announce the next installment of our US Antarctic Interview Series. This feature of our website provides the opportunity for us to highlight a pair of people involved in the US Antarctic Program - someone with an established career along with an early career collaborator. The newest interviews are with Stephen Ackley (University of Texas at San Antonio) and Madison Smith (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution). Continue Reading
Greetings polar early career researchers! As an organization committed to enhancing diversity and inclusion, and working towards building an inclusive and just environment in the polar sciences, the Polar Science Early Career Community Office (PSECCO) is excited to announce the solicitation for polar early career individuals and organizations to apply for PSECCO Belonging, Accessibility, Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (BAJEDI) Micro-grants! Do you have an idea that will advance BAJEDI in the polar regions but need a little funding to bring that idea to fruition? PSECCO is looking to support people or organizations with plans that will lead to tangible impacts in these areas, and the full solicitation has just been released! Deadline by which to apply is: October 31, 2023 at 11.59pm MT. Continue Reading
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