United States
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

AGU Travel Awards

A new NSF-funded faculty travel grant to James Madison University will support up to 50 early-to-mid career faculty from under-resourced U.S. undergraduate-focused institutions, such as Emerging Research Institutions (ERIs), Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), and community colleges (2YCs) to attend the fall AGU24 annual meeting in Washington, D.C., in person. Travel grant awardees will receive a $1,700-travel stipend. Additionally, they will participate in professional development workshops as well as networking and social events; review student presentations for Outstanding Student Participation Awards; and potentially co-chair sessions. Please share with your communities as application window is open now. 

For more information on this faculty travel grant program and how to apply, visit connect.agu.org/education/honors/nsf-grant and http://www.agu.org/honors/ftg. Questions regarding this award should be directed to Kristen St John (stjohnke@jmu.edu) or Kusali Gamage (kgamage@austincc.edu). 

This award is supported by NSF AGS Award #2422805.

Terri Edillon 
Lead Communications Specialist 
NSF Office of Polar Programs 
Office: 703-292-7521 | Mobile: 703-398-2201 
Email: tedillon@nsf.gov 

2415 Eisenhower Ave, Alexandria, VA 22314, USA