United States
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research


Morale Program Initiatives for the U.S. Antarctic Program 2023-24 Season

For the upcoming Antarctic research season (2023-2024), NSF is implementing several changes to morale-related activities across the U.S. Antarctic Program (USAP). Continue Reading

2023 US Antarctic Science Meeting Videos

Thank you to all presenters and attendees of the Second US Antarctic Science Meeting held in June! The Panels and Lightning Talks are now posted at the US-SCAR YouTube Channel. The meeting program has been updated to include direct links to the playlist for each session and to individual talks (including supplemental materials, if provided). Continue Reading

Call for Abstracts - AGU Session on DEIA in the Polar and Alpine Sciences

The Polar Geospatial Center (PGC) and the Polar Science Early Career Community Office (PSECCO) are hosting a joint session at the AGU 2023 Fall Meeting entitled ‘Successes and Challenges in Advancing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility in the Polar and Alpine Sciences’. We encourage anyone with DEIA-related work in the polar and alpine sciences to submit an abstract by the August 2nd deadline under Session ED038. Continue Reading

SCAR Visiting Scholars and ECR Fellowships

Applications for the SCAR Visiting Scholar Program are now open! Designed for mid- to late-career scholars, this program is part of SCAR's capacity building efforts and offers an opportunity for a short visit to an institute in a SCAR member country. We are looking forward to receiving your applications by 30 August. For early career researchers, SCAR will offer four to five fellowships of up to USD $15,000 each. The deadline for the SCAR fellowship applications is 31 July 2023. Continue Reading

Navigating the NSF & Office of Polar Programs Workshop

What is NSF’s Office of Polar Programs (also known as OPP)? How do you make your polar science proposal as NSF-savvy as possible? How do you best describe your broader impacts? What is cutting edge in data management? How do you identify the best program for application? How do you access available education and outreach funds? Where do you even start finding funding opportunities? Learn answers to these questions when you meet in small groups with Program Officers in this ‘Navigating the NSF & the Office of Polar Programs’ workshop supported by PSECCO, taking place on Thursday, July 13 from 11am to 12:30pm MT. Continue Reading

Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Training School - virtual participation opportunity

A community Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Training School is being held 3-7 July 2023 in Gävle Sweden. There is open virtual participation in the School. The School program and links to view the lectures and ask questions via Chat are found at: https://polenet.org/2023-gia-training-school/. Continue Reading

US Antarctic Science Meeting - Starts tomorrow, June 20

The 2nd US Antarctic Science Meeting starts tomorrow on June 20, 2023. The meeting is being held as an online virtual meeting. There is no registration fee. The meeting will take place for two hours each day (3 pm EDT, 2 pm CDT, 1 pm MDT, 12 pm PDT, 11 am AKDT, 9 am HST). Continue reading for the Zoom registration link, a link to the meeting program book with schedule and abstracts, and the meeting schedule. Continue Reading

2023 US Antarctic Science Meeting - Next Week!

Reminder! The 2nd US Antarctic Science Meeting is next week on June 20-23, 2023. The meeting is being held as an online virtual meeting. There is no registration fee. The meeting will take place for two hours each day (3 pm EDT, 2 pm CDT, 1 pm MDT, 12 pm PDT, 11 am AKDT, 9 am HST). Continue reading for the Zoom registration link, a link to the meeting program book with schedule and abstracts, and the meeting schedule. Continue Reading

Information from NSF on USAP Science Support and COVID-19

The NSF Office of Polar Programs has released two announcements affecting the U.S. Antarctic Program, the Dear Colleague Letter: 2023 Update on Science Support and Infrastructure in Antarctica and Updated COVID-19 Management Plan for the U.S. Antarctic Program 2023-24 Season. Continue Reading

SCAR becomes a UN Ocean Decade Coordination Center for the SO

Happy World Oceans Day! The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC/UNESCO) announced today that SCAR will be a new Decade Collaborative Centre for the Southern Ocean Region (DCC-SOR) for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). Continue Reading

US Antarctic Science Meeting - abstract deadline May 24

Reminder - US-SCAR is hosting an online meeting on 20-23 June 2023 for US scientists who are conducting research in, from or about Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. Scientists interested in getting involved in Antarctic research through US programs are also welcome and encouraged to attend. This conference is open to all US scientists and anyone interested in US Antarctic research. There is no registration fee. The abstract deadline May 24. Continue Reading

Job Opportunity: Physical Science Administrator (Program Director), Antarctic Sciences

The NSF Office of Polar Programs, Antarctic Sciences Section, is seeking a qualified candidate for a Physical Science Administrator (Program Director) for the Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (AOAS) Program. Interested candidates should learn more about the position and apply by May 30, 2023, on the USAJOBS website. Continue Reading

New US Antarctic Scientist Interviews

US-SCAR is happy to announce the next installment of our US Antarctic Interview Series. This feature of our website provides the opportunity for us to highlight a pair of people involved in the US Antarctic Program - someone with an established career along with an early career collaborator. The newest interviews are with Dan Costa (University of California Santa Cruz) and Luis Huckstadt (University of Exeter, UK). The interviews were conducted and written by US-SCAR fellow, Lynn Kaluzienski (University of Alaska Southeast), and we would also like to acknowledge our webmaster, Joe Souney (University of New Hampshire), for making the interviews available on line. Continue Reading

USAP Data Center webinar

The United States Antarctic Program Data Center (USAP-DC) will hold a webinar on 9 May at 12 noon EDT to provide an introduction to the data center and an overview of services offered. The session will provide an introduction on how to access and contribute data to USAP-DC, create project pages, as well as review of data management plan requirements, and tools to support the lifecycle of data management. USAP-DC provides service to support US researchers in fulfilling data management obligation and all are welcome. The session will be particularly targeted at new investigators and early career researchers to learn about the services offered at the data center. Continue Reading

NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Research Collaboration Opportunity in Europe for NSF Awardees

To further scientific and technological cooperation between the United States and the European Community, the National Science Foundation and the European Research Council signed an Implementing Arrangement on October 29, 2019, to enable U.S.-based scientists and engineers with active NSF awards, particularly those early in their careers, to pursue research collaboration with European colleagues supported through EU-funded European Research Council (ERC) grants. This letter invites current NSF grantees to submit supplemental funding requests for research visits to any identified, appropriate ERC-funded European research group. NSF particularly encourages requests from NSF grantees who are early in their careers or who are still actively building their careers. Further, the letter gives instructions on how to submit supplemental funding requests and other relevant policies and requirements. Continue Reading

Announcing Launch of NSF Antarctic Helpline

April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. In recognition of this critical topic, NSF has launched the new NSF Antarctic Helpline, which provides immediate crisis intervention and emotional support to survivors of sexual assault or sexual harassment via phone, text, or online chat. April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. In recognition of this critical topic, NSF has launched the new NSF Antarctic Helpline, which provides immediate crisis intervention and emotional support to survivors of sexual assault or sexual harassment via phone, text, or online chat. Continue Reading

NSF Virtual Grants Conference

Join the National Science Foundation for the Spring 2023 NSF Virtual Grants Conference June 5, 2023 2:00 PM ET - June 8, 2023 4:00 PM ET. Registration will open on Wednesday, May 10 at 12PM ET. Just like the in-person grants conferences, the NSF Virtual Grants Conference is a must, especially for new faculty, researchers and administrators. The NSF Grants Conference is designed to give new faculty, researchers, and administrators key insights into a wide range of current issues at NSF. NSF staff will provide up-to-date information about policies and procedures, specific funding opportunities and answer attendee questions. Continue Reading

2nd US Antarctic Science Meeting - announcement and call for abstracts

US-SCAR is hosting an online meeting on 20-23 June 2023 for US scientists who are conducting research in, from or about Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. Scientists interested in getting involved in Antarctic research through US programs are also welcome and encouraged to attend. This conference is open to all US scientists and anyone interested in US Antarctic research. There is no registration fee. Continue Reading

Update: Ross Sea Planning Meeting Report, One-pager and more!

Dear Ross Sea research community, Thanks again to all of you who were able to attend our planning meeting and to those of you who were there in spirit. We have a variety of updates and resources to share with you below, including moving forward on Working Groups. Continue Reading

Polar Genomes Workshop Announcement 2023

NSF-sponsored Workshop: Detecting adaptive evolutionary events in genomes of polar species at the Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience, St. Augustine, Florida. This workshop is funded by the National Science Foundation through awards #1935635 and #1935672. A two-day workshop will be held at the Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience (University of Florida) in 2023 (July 24 & 25). Participants should plan to arrive on the afternoon of July 23rd and depart in the morning or afternoon on July 26th. The workshop organizers, Dr. Scott Santagata and Dr. Joseph Ryan, will lead participants through a series of computational exercises having the following goals: Construct orthologous gene assignments (OrthoFinder), prune paralogous genes (PhyloPYPruner), align orthologous gene (MAFFT), and multi-gene phylogenetic relationships (IQ-TREE); Establish collaborative research groups to test for genes under positive selection from diverse organisms and habitats (e.g., polar, terrestrial, marine, tropical) using genomic and transcriptomic datasets; Evaluate current analytical methods for determining positive selection (e.g., PAML, HyPHy) and their statistical significance. Participants are encouraged to work with their own NGS-based datasets, but sample datasets will also be provided and analyzed using a bioinformatics platform. Applicants with transcriptomic datasets that span ecological boundaries (e.g. high vs. low latitudinal habitats, marine vs. freshwater habitats, deep vs. shallow water habitats, etc.) will be given priority. However, anyone who is interested in learning these techniques is encouraged to apply. Continue Reading