United States
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

US Antarctic Scientists Directory

The intent of the Directory is to have a list of scientists who work in the US Antarctic Program (USAP). Currently the only list readily available is through the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Awards Database, and this listing is only of NSF principal investigators. There are many more scientists (e.g., students, post-docs, staff scientists, etc.), including those funded by other agencies, who are involved in USAP. The US Antarctic Scientists Directory compiled by US-SCAR will serve as a resource for new Antarctic proposers, will provide a means for people currently involved in USAP activities to find potential collaborators, will allow the general public to learn more about USAP activities and accomplishments, and provide a number of other benefits to the US Antarctic community.

To add your name to the Directory, please complete the Directory Registration Form.

If you have questions about the use and intent of the Directory, contact Deneb Karentz, US Delegate to SCAR. If at any time you need to make a correction to your listing or you would like to be deleted from the Directory, please use this form to request changes to your entry in the US Antarctic Scientists Directory.


Displaying 1 - 25 of 167
Name Position City State NSF Antarctic Program SCAR Science Group Affiliation Antarctic Research Location(s) Research Keywords
B Jack Pan -- San Diego California Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems Life Sciences Group Palmer Station, ARSV Laurence M. Gould, RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer, No fieldwork (all research conducted remotely), Other remote sensing, data science, ocean-ice shelf interaction, oceanography, ecosystem ecology
David Reusch Adjunct Seattle Washington Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Physical Sciences Group No fieldwork (all research conducted remotely) polar meteorology, polar climate, climate modeling, numerical weather prediction, satellite remote sensing
Frances Rivera Hern ndez Assistant Professor Atlanta Georgia Antarctic Earth Sciences Geosciences Group McMurdo Station, Field camp - helicopter access, Dry Valleys sedimentology, surface processes, mars analogs, lakes
Dogacan Ozturk Assistant Professor Fairbanks Alaska Antarctic Astrophysics and Geospace Sciences Geosciences Group No fieldwork (all research conducted remotely) ground magnetic disturbances, geomagnetically induced currents, aurora
Natasja van Gestel Assistant Professor Lubbock Texas Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems Life Sciences Group Palmer Station climate change, mosses, nutrients, carbon, warming
Julie Schram Assistant Professor Juneau Alaska Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems Life Sciences Group Palmer Station, ARSV Laurence M. Gould Antarctic peninsula, benthic ecology, invertebrates, climate change, food webs
Carlos Arguelles Assistant Professor Cambridge Massachusetts Antarctic Astrophysics and Geospace Sciences Expert Group - Astronomy and Astrophysics McMurdo Station IceCube neutrino new physics
Kaeli Hughes Assistant Professor Columbus Ohio Antarctic Astrophysics and Geospace Sciences Expert Group - Astronomy and Astrophysics McMurdo Station, Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station neutrino, radio, ultra-high-energy, ice, cosmic rays
Cassandra Brooks Assistant Professor Boulder Colorado Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems Life Sciences Group McMurdo Station, RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer Antarctica, Southern Ocean, fish, policy, conservation
Weisen Shen Assistant Professor Stony Brook New York Antarctic Earth Sciences Geosciences Group McMurdo Station, Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, Field camp - fixed wing access Seismic structure; Continental Crust; Geothermal Heat Flux.
Thomas Desvignes Assistant Professor Birmingham Alabama Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems Life Sciences Group Palmer Station, ARSV Laurence M. Gould fish, genomics, X-cell, adaptation and evolution, climate change
Joseph Levy Assistant Professor Hamilton New York Antarctic Earth Sciences Geosciences Group McMurdo Station, Field camp - helicopter access, Dry Valleys permafrost, dry valleys, mars, water tracks, remote sensing
Seth Campbell Assistant Professor Orono Maine Antarctic Glaciology Geosciences Group McMurdo Station, Field camp - fixed wing access, Field camp - helicopter access GPR, ground-penetrating radar, paleoclimate, glaciology, permafrost
Tyler Mackey Assistant Professor Albuquerque New Mexico Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems Life Sciences Group McMurdo Station, Field camp - helicopter access, Dry Valleys geobiology, benthic ecology, carbonates, microbial mat, scientific diving
Trista Vick Majors Assistant Professor Houghton Michigan Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems Life Sciences Group McMurdo Station, Field camp - fixed wing access, Field camp - helicopter access, Dry Valleys Microbial ecology, biogeochemistry, limnology, subglacial aquatic environments, life in ice
Benjamin Ogden Assistant Professor Carlisle Pennsylvania Antarctic Astrophysics and Geospace Sciences Standing Committee - Antarctic Geographic Information No fieldwork (all research conducted remotely) Antarctica and space; training for space operations; NASA and Antarctica; Antarctica curriculum; strategic security of the Southern Polar Region
Matthias Plum Assistant Professor Rapid City South Dakota Antarctic Astrophysics and Geospace Sciences Expert Group - Astronomy and Astrophysics Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station astrophysics, cosmic rays
Anna Bergstrom Assistant Professor Boise Idaho Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems Life Sciences Group McMurdo Station, Dry Valleys glaciology, hydrology, biogeochemistry, dust
Lu Lu Assistant Professor Madison Wisconsin Antarctic Astrophysics and Geospace Sciences Physical Sciences Group Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station neutrino,astrophysics,ice,south pole,multimessenger astronomy
Kelton McMahon Assistant Professor Narragansett Rhode Island Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems Geosciences Group Palmer Station, Field camp - ship access, Cape Crozier, Other biogeochemistry, climate change, geochemistry, penguins, seals
Atsuhiro Muto Associate Professor Philadelphia Pennsylvania Antarctic Glaciology Geosciences Group McMurdo Station, Field camp - fixed wing access glaciology, geophysics
Michael Polito Associate Professor Baton Rouge Louisiana Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems Life Sciences Group McMurdo Station, ARSV Laurence M. Gould, Field camp - ship access, Other penguins, seals, foraging ecology, food webs, stable isotopes
Brandi Kiel Reese Associate Professor Mobile Alabama Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Life Sciences Group RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer marine microbial ecology, geomicrobiology, methane cycling
Nick Teets Associate Professor Lexington Kentucky Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems Life Sciences Group Palmer Station, ARSV Laurence M. Gould terrestrial ecosystems, environmental stress, insects, genomics, entomology
Bradford Benson Associate Professor Chicago Illinois Antarctic Astrophysics and Geospace Sciences Expert Group - Astronomy and Astrophysics Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station astrophysics, cosmology, telescopes, detectors, CMB