United States
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research


Call for Nominations for U.S. Team to Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

The NRC Polar Research Board serves as the U.S. National Committee to the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, an international body charged with initiating, developing and coordinating Antarctic and Southern Ocean research, as well as providing independent scientific advice to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings. In this role, we identify and nominate the lead and alternate U.S. delegates to SCAR, and members of the three SCAR Standing Scientific Groups (SSGs --Life Sciences, Geosciences, Physical Sciences). Several of the current SSG members will be completing their terms at the end of this year, and so we are seeking nominations to fill these roles. Suggestions are requested by April 6. Continue Reading

Travel Funding Opportunity for U.S. scientists to ISAES-Goa

The NSF Geo-PLR Section for Antarctic Sciences is providing funds to support participation of U.S. scientists in the 12th International Antarctic Earth Science Symposium. Funds are intended primarily to support early-career researchers, graduate students and individuals who would increase the diversity of the Antarctic earth science community. Submit the completed application form together with your submitted ISAES abstract by March 31st, 2015. Continue Reading

Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Training School Opportunity

A training school focused on glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) modeling will be held from 13-19 September, 2015, at the Ohio State University’s Stone Laboratory on Gibraltar Island in Lake Erie, Ohio. The school is aimed at early-stage researchers from a wide range of backgrounds, and no previous experience in GIA modeling is required. There is no registration fee, and participants will be provided with food and lodging for the duration of the training school. Funding for additional travel expenses, including airfare, may be available for both US and non-US participants. The deadline for application is 31 March, 2015. Continue Reading

Abstract submission open for SCAR’s ISAES 2015

The full website has been launched for the SCAR International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences (XII ISAES 2015), which is being held in Goa, India, from 13-17 July 2015. Abstract submission is now open on the website, with a submission deadline of April 15th 2015. Continue Reading

Antarctic Geologic Drilling Discussion Group

Please join other U.S.-based scientists at the Fall AGU meeting for coffee and discussion about future trends and new possibilities in geologic drilling in the Antarctic. This discussion group follows the Antarctic Geologic Drilling Workshop that took place in Houston during November, 2013. Date: Thursday, December 18th, 2014, 8:00-9:30 am Location: Powell Hotel (California Room), 28 Cyril Magnin St., San Francisco Continue Reading

Reminder: Virtual Town Hall for NRC Committee on Science Priorities in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean

The National Research Council (NRC) Committee to Advise NSF Science Priorities for Antarctic and Southern Ocean Research is seeking your input on "Future Science Opportunities in the Antarctic and Southern Ocean", as well as other relevant efforts such as the SCAR Horizon Scan. As input for this study, the committee is drawing widely on the expertise and experience of people across the Antarctic and Southern Ocean science communities. The committee has set up an online "Virtual Town Hall" where you are invited to submit your ideas in writing. This NRC study presents an important opportunity to help shape the future of Antarctic and Southern Ocean research, and we do hope you will submit your comments and ideas. The "Virtual Town Hall" will remain open for just a few more days, until November 20, 2014. Continue Reading

Two new countries and two new Vice Presidents join the SCAR Family

During the SCAR Delegates’ Meeting held in New Zealand this September 2014, two new countries joined SCAR: the Czech Republic and the Islamic Republic of Iran, bringing the total number of countries in the SCAR family to 39. Two new Vice Presidents were also elected – Azizan Abu Samah (Malaysia) and Terry Wilson (USA). Continue Reading

Announcement of SCAR and COMNAP 2014 Fellowship awards

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs (COMNAP) are pleased to announce this year’s Fellowship awardees. The Fellowships for early career researchers are worth up to US$ 15,000 each and, this year, 25 applications were received with six Fellowships (four SCAR and two COMNAP) being awarded. The SCAR Fellowships are awarded to: Jaimie Cleeland (Australia), Camila Negrão Signori (Brazil), Fiona Shanhun (New Zealand) and Manoj M.C. (India). The COMNAP Fellowships are awarded to: Sandra Potter (Australia) and Keith Soal (South Africa). Continue Reading

Dr. Eric Saltzman appointed Section Head for Arctic Sciences in the Division of Polar Programs

Dr. Eric Saltzman has been appointed to the position of Section Head, Arctic Sciences (ARC) in the Division of Polar Programs, Geosciences Directorate. He will begin his service at NSF on September 15, 2014. Dr. Saltzman will be joining NSF from University of California, Irvine where he holds join appointments as Professor in Departments of Earth System Science and Chemistry. Continue Reading

Draft report on GEO Priorities and Frontiers, 2015-2020 -- An invitation for public comment

For the past several months, the NSF GEO Advisory Committee has been working with GEO staff on an update to its 2009 report, GEO Vision. This draft report, Dynamic Earth: GEO Priorities and Frontiers 2015-2020, takes a different perspective than the last report. In the current climate of limited resources, this document seeks to set actionable goals and objectives for the next five years. It is not meant to be a comprehensive document of all GEO programs but rather a near-term plan of GEO-wide priorities. Feedback and comments on the document are requested. The deadline for feedback/comments is Friday, September 12th. Continue Reading

NSF/PLR Funding Opportunity announcement

Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) is an National Science Foundation (NSF) program that supports international activities across all NSF-supported disciplines. The primary goal of PIRE is to support high quality projects in which advances in research and education could not occur without international collaboration. PIRE seeks to catalyze a higher level of international engagement in the U.S. science and engineering community. The Division of Polar Programs (PLR), Geosciences Directorate, strongly encourages international collaborations as international partnerships are particularly important for addressing critical science and engineering problems in the polar regions. Accordingly, the polar community should be well poised to submit proposals to the current PIRE competition. The deadline for preliminary proposals is 21 October 2014. Full proposals are due on 15 May 2015. Continue Reading

Outcomes from the 1st SCAR Antarctic & Southern Ocean Science Horizon Scan

The official outcomes of the 1st SCAR Antarctic and Southern Ocean Science Horizon Scan were published online today as a COMMENT in Nature entitled “Six priorities for Antarctic science”. In April 2014, the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) convened 75 scientists and policy-makers from 22 countries to agree on the priorities for Antarctic research for the next two decades and beyond. This is the first time the international Antarctic community has formulated a collective vision through discussions, debate and voting. The Horizon Scan narrowed a list of hundreds of scientific questions to the 80 most pressing ones. Continue Reading

Request for input - Biodiversity.aq survey

Biodiversity.aq is an official SCAR Product that builds upon SCAR-MarBIN (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research - Marine Biodiversity Information Network) and offers free and open access to Antarctic biodiversity data. Feedback from users (and future users) of Biodiversity.aq / SCAR-MarBIN is requested by completing an online survey. The results of this survey will be discussed during the biodiversity.aq lunchtime workshop during the SCAR Open Science Conference in Auckland, New Zealand. It will take place on 28th August 2014 from 13.30 to 14.40. Continue Reading

NRC AGU Session Announcements

The National Research Council's Polar Research Board and Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate are pleased to announce a call for abstracts for three AGU sessions: 1. Peeking Under the Ice: Revealing New Aspects of the Previously Hidden Polar Regions (Conveners: Julie Brigham-Grette, Katey Walter Anthony, Giff Miller). 2. Changing Ecosystems of the Arctic and Antarctic (Conveners: Eileen Hofmann, Gus Shaver, Jackie Grebmeier). 3. Removing Carbon Dioxide from Earth's Atmosphere (Conveners: Marcia McNutt, Jennifer Wilcox, Edward Dunlea). The abstract submission deadline is August 6, 2014. Continue Reading

SCAR OSC Antarctic Public Engagement Events

New Zealand’s Antarctic Festival, NZ IceFest, presents an Auckland Taster of Evening Events and Exhibitions especially for the SCAR Open Science Conference. These events will showcase some of New Zealand’s renown artists and comedians, as well as SCAR’s own International Antarctic Expertise events open to both the general public and conference attendees. Continue Reading

The SCAR Visiting Professor Scheme 2014

SCAR is pleased to announce the launch of its 'Visiting Professor Scheme 2014'. The scheme is designed to encourage the active involvement of scientists and academics in Antarctic research, and to strengthen international capacity and cooperation in Antarctic research. The Visiting Professorship is for mid- to late-career stage scientists and academics (at least 5 years after completing their PhD) who are involved in Antarctic research, providing the opportunity for them to undertake a short-term visit (1 to 4 weeks) to an institute in another SCAR member country, to provide training and mentoring. Continue Reading

Antarctic Environments Portal & APECS Workshop at 2014 SCAR OSC

The Antarctic Environments Portal (Portal) project and APECS will jointly convene a workshop for Early Career Scientists (ECSs) at the upcoming SCAR Open Science Conference (OSC) in Auckland, New Zealand. This workshop is a great opportunity for ECSs to be involved in the development of a potentially significant tool to link Antarctic science and Antarctic policy. The workshop is open to 25 ECS applicants who will also receive a NZ$50 grant each as contribution towards their expenses. Funding for the workshop is kindly provided by the Norwegian Government. Apply by 30 June 2014. Continue Reading

National Research Council (NRC) Committee to Advise NSF Science Priorities for Antarctic and Southern Ocean Research

The National Research Council (NRC) Committee to Advise NSF Science Priorities for Antarctic and Southern Ocean Research is seeking your input on "Future Science Opportunities in the Antarctic and Southern Ocean", as well as other relevant efforts such as the SCAR Horizon Scan. As input for this study, the committee is drawing widely on the expertise and experience of people across the Antarctic and Southern Ocean science communities. We are planning a series of outreach events to be held at various locations across the country, where you may have an opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas in person (dates and locations will be circulated once the plans for these events are further solidified). In addition, we've set up an online "Virtual Town Hall" where you are invited to submit your ideas in writing. This NRC study presents an important opportunity to help shape the future of Antarctic and Southern Ocean research, and we do hope you will submit your comments and ideas. The committee welcomes and values your ideas. The window for input will remain open for the next several months (until November 1, 2014), so you should have ample time to contribute. Continue Reading

Presentations now on-line from 2014 Polar Technology Conference

The 10th annual Polar Technology Conference was hosted by the Pervasive Technology Institute of Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, on 15-17 April. The presentations from the conference are now available on-line. Continue Reading

Antarctic Scientists Work on 20-Year Goals

Antarctica has been the focus of a major conference in Queenstown over Easter. Dozens of scientists came together, and for once they were not after answers, but questions. The world’s best Antarctic scientists say we cannot ignore the icy continent. Fifty-five scientists from 24 countries have convened in Queenstown for the first-ever Antarctic and Southern Ocean Horizon Scan conference. Their aim was to come up with the most important questions about Antarctica that need to be answered in the next 20 years. Delegates submitted 800 questions, and they were culled to about 100 over the three days of the conference. Continue Reading