United States
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research


2014 SCAR OSC Abstract Submission Reminder

The 2014 SCAR Open Science Conference will be held 25 - 28 August 2014 in Auckland, New Zealand. The deadline to submit an abstract is the 14th of February. The SCAR Open Science Conference will focus on Global Messages from Antarctica and how the changes that we are currently seeing in Antarctica will affect the rest of the World. Continue Reading

Important Notice - Antarctic and Southern Ocean Horizon Scan

The deadline for nominations for the Science Horizon Scan has been extended to July 31, 2013 to allow the widest possible input to the selection of SCAR Science Horizon Scan invitees. Self-nominations and multiple nominations are allowed. Do not assume someone else has nominated a person. If a deserving person is not in the potential invitee database the likelihood of selection is greatly diminished. Your input is essential for the selection committee to have a complete list of deserving candidates. Continue Reading