United States
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research


SCAR Medals: Nominations close on the 15th of March 2014

An important SCAR activity is recognition of excellence in Antarctic and Southern Ocean science and outstanding service to the international Antarctic community both of which are critical to advancing SCAR’s vision and mission. Peer-recognition rewards and highlights those who exemplify the best of the Antarctic community and serve as models for the next generation of scientists and researchers. SCAR created the Medals to provide this recognition: the Medal for Excellence in Antarctic Research and the Medal for International Scientific Coordination. To encourage nominations and ensure an open, fair and transparent selection process, recipients of the medals are selected by committee. Continue Reading

2014 Martha T. Muse Prize for Science and Policy in Antarctica: Nominations close 22 May 2014

The “Martha T. Muse Prize for Science and Policy in Antarctica” is a US$ 100,000 unrestricted award presented to an individual in the fields of Antarctic science or policy who has demonstrated potential for sustained and significant contributions that will enhance the understanding and/or preservation of Antarctica. The Prize is inspired by Martha T. Muse’s passion for Antarctica and is intended to be a legacy of the International Polar Year 2007-2008. The prize-winner can be from any country and work in any field of Antarctic science or policy. The goal is to provide recognition of the important work being done by the individual and to call attention to the significance of understanding Antarctica in a time of change. Continue Reading

New Abstract Deadline for SCAR Open Science Conference, Auckland, 2014

SCAR Open Science Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, August 25th – 28th, 2014. The closing date for submissions of abstracts has been extended to 28 February 2014, to assist those still returning from the field. Remember that there will be travel support for U.S. participants in the SCAR Open Science Conference, targeted at early career researchers, faculty and students. Continue Reading

Travel Funds for U.S. Participants in the SCAR Open Science Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, August 25th – 28th, 2014

The NSF Antarctic Sciences Section of the Division of Polar Programs is providing funds to support participation of U.S. scientists in the 6th biennial SCAR Open Science Conference in Auckland, New Zealand. In order to maximize the number of participants supported, we anticipate funding per individual will be in the range of $2,000-2,500 USD. An application form will be posted shortly on the U.S. SCAR web site. The Abstract Deadline for the OSC is February 14th, 2014. Continue Reading

2014 SCAR OSC Abstract Submission Reminder

The 2014 SCAR Open Science Conference will be held 25 - 28 August 2014 in Auckland, New Zealand. The deadline to submit an abstract is the 14th of February. The SCAR Open Science Conference will focus on Global Messages from Antarctica and how the changes that we are currently seeing in Antarctica will affect the rest of the World. Continue Reading

Important Notice - Antarctic and Southern Ocean Horizon Scan

The deadline for nominations for the Science Horizon Scan has been extended to July 31, 2013 to allow the widest possible input to the selection of SCAR Science Horizon Scan invitees. Self-nominations and multiple nominations are allowed. Do not assume someone else has nominated a person. If a deserving person is not in the potential invitee database the likelihood of selection is greatly diminished. Your input is essential for the selection committee to have a complete list of deserving candidates. Continue Reading