United States
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

Workshop on the Application of SmallSat and Commercial Imagery to Arctic Science - USA

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has funded a workshop to bring scientists and experts together to discuss the new era of Arctic science enabled by the availability of high-resolution commercial satellite imagery. Participants will address questions that help drive new science and satellite collection strategies to report in a long-term science community-driven plan. To find out more, please visit https://www.pgc.umn.edu/events/nsf-arctic-smallsat-announcement-may-2018/.

When: May 21-22, 2018
Where: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Host: Polar Geospatial Center

Application Deadline: March 30, 2018

Application Requirements: 1-2 page document with your contact information describing the new Arctic science enabled by commercial and SmallSat imagery. Also, a shapefile or KMZ describing the geographic extent of the requirement and the optimal times for collection can be included.

Please email your files as attachments to arcticimageryworkshop at umn.edu