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United States
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
US-SCAR is happy to announce the first installment of our US Antarctic Interview Series. This new feature of our website provides the opportunity for us to highlight a pair of people involved in the US Antarctic Program - someone with an established career along with an early career collaborator. Our first two interviews are with Berry Lyons, a professor at The Ohio State University, and Melisa Diaz, a postdoctoral scholar at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. The interviews were conducted and written by US-SCAR intern, Lynn Kaluzienski; and we would also like to acknowledge our webmaster, Joe Souney, for making the interviews available on line.
We hope you will enjoy reading about these two very interesting scientists, and we look forward to adding more interviews in the future.
Sincerely, Deneb Karentz and Al Weatherwax
US Delegate and US Alternate Delegate to SCAR
If you missed the July 2021 (online) US Antarctic Science Meeting, presentations and panels are available at YouTube. Use any of the following resources to access links.
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