United States
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

SCAR Open Science Conference Registration Fee Reimbursement

SCAR 2022 Open Science Conference: Antarctica in a Changing World
A virtual meeting hosted by India 1-10 August 2022

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Open Science Conference (OSC) is held every two years and will be a virtual meeting hosted by India from 1-10 August 2022 (https://scar2022.org/). The SCAR OSC is an excellent opportunity to present, hear about and discuss the most recent and important results of Antarctic research in all disciplines at an international venue.

Registration fee reimbursement by US-SCAR: Meeting registration (https://scar2022.org/592-2/) is $25 until June 30 ($50 for non-students after June 30). If needed, US-SCAR can reimburse the registration fee ($25 limit) for early career and other researchers who want to attend the SCAR OSC.

All meeting attendees can apply for reimbursement of registration, you do not need to be presenting a talk or a poster. Funding is provided by the National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs, Antarctic Sciences.

Note: Funds from this grant may not be used to provide registration expenses to an individual whose comparable expenses are being defrayed by his/her employer or by some third party, including through another federal grant.

Electronic copy of registration receipt from SCAR will be required for reimbursement. Credit card receipts and statements cannot not be accepted.

Eligibility: You must be enrolled as a student or employed at a US institution.

Link for reimbursement request https://forms.gle/YNikATcFFwWDDAA48. Deadline for reimbursement request is August 15, 2022.

Questions: Contact Deneb Karentz (deneb.karentz@usscar.org), US Delegate to SCAR, University of San Francisco.