United States
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

SCAR Medals: Nominations close on the 15th of March 2014

The SCAR Medals: Recognising Excellence in Science and Outstanding Service

An important SCAR activity is recognition of excellence in Antarctic and Southern Ocean science and outstanding service to the international Antarctic community both of which are critical to advancing SCAR’s vision and mission. Peer-recognition rewards and highlights those who exemplify the best of the Antarctic community and serve as models for the next generation of scientists and researchers. SCAR created the Medals to provide this recognition: the Medal for Excellence in Antarctic Research and the Medal for International Scientific Coordination. To encourage nominations and ensure an open, fair and transparent selection process, recipients of the medals are selected by committee.

The SCAR Medal for Excellence in Antarctic Research: This is awarded for sustained scientific contributions over a career. This medal is awarded to persons deserving recognition based on outstanding contributions to knowledge and the impact of a person’s work on understanding the Antarctic region, the linkages between Antarctica and the Earth system, and/or observations of and from Antarctica. Nominees are welcomed in all areas of Antarctic and Southern Ocean science and research.

The SCAR Medal for International Coordination: This is awarded for outstanding and sustained contributions to international cooperation and partnerships. Nomination of persons that have advanced SCAR’s mission to initiate, facilitate, co-ordinate and encourage international research activity in the Antarctic region are encouraged. Awardees should have a distinguished professional career history and a record of recognition of international activities by their peers including prizes, honorary degrees, and other awards which demonstrate the person’s impact.

Nominations: The following describe the criteria used by the Selection Committee to evaluate nominees. Submission of complete information for all nominees facilitates evaluations during the selection process. There are no age restrictions or limits on nominees and no higher education degree requirements – everyone is eligible to be nominated. However, self-nominations are not accepted.

For further details and to nominate someone for a SCAR Medal, please follow the link:

For the 2014 medals the deadline for nominations is March 15th 2014.