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United States
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Office of Polar Programs Data, Code, and Sample Management Policy
The recommendations and requirements laid out in this letter aim to advance open polar data to maximize the benefit of NSF's investments in research, facilitate transparency and replicability in polar science, and increase the impact of polar research. Office of Polar Programs (OPP) PIs are directed to align their research and dissemination plans and activities with the FAIR data principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) and CARE principles for Indigenous data governance (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsibility, Ethics). In this regard, research software/code is identified as a research object and outcome that can also help make data more interoperable and reusable. OPP also recognizes the effort that goes into data and sample management and therefore, beyond encouraging data and sample reuse, OPP expects appropriate authorship, attribution, and citation of data, samples, and code.
Additional information on data repositories, templates, tools, expertise, and more resources are available on the OPP webpage.
Terri Edillon
Communications Specialist
NSF Office of Polar Programs
Office: 703.292.7521 |
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