United States
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

Apply to an international collaboration workshop at SCAR OSC for early career researchers!

Hi US- and Chile-based early career researchers, 

US-based and Chile-based polar early career researchers attending the 2024 SCAR Open Science Meeting are welcome to apply to attend a workshop on establishing international collaborative relationships! 

International collaboration is imperative to the successful exploration of the big scientific questions concerning the Antarctic. However, building these meaningful collaborations requires intentionality in creating a welcoming and inclusive space for partnerships to grow. Yet, guidance on how to establish international collaboration relationships does not regularly take place in the polar sciences. 

We are pleased to welcome applications to attend this workshop-style side meeting that focuses on how to build cross-cultural competency, how to build successful international scientific collaborative relationships, and how to apply for funding with international research partners in mind. In the latter part of the workshop, US and Chilean participants will have the opportunity to connect with polar researchers from a country other than the one they are based in and start to build the foundations of disciplinary and cross-disciplinary relationships that could lead to collaborations in the future. 

This workshop will be followed by remote collaboration-encouraging meetings facilitated by the Polar Science Early Career Community Office (PSECCO) and APECS Chile and has the potential to lead to longer-term, collaborative research relationships amongst attendees. Chile-based and US-based polar researchers early in their careers are welcome and invited to apply to attend. Apply to attend here by July 24th, 2024.

Please reach out to psecco@colorado.edu if you have any questions.

Kind regards,
Mariama on behalf of the workshop organizing team