United States
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

Stuart Thomson

Research Scientist
University of Arizona
Department of Geosciences
Research Interests
Thermochronology and Geochronology, specializing in fission rack dating, (U-Th)/He dating, and U-Pb dating. Worked or working on projects in the central Transantarctic Mountains, Marie Byrd Land, Amundsen Sea Embayment, Antarctic Peninsula, and Lambert Glacier Region, as well as on offshore Antarctica as parts of IODP Expeditions 374, 379, and 382, as well as investigating late Cenozoic (Quaternary) sediments offshore of West Antarctica, offshore Wilkes Land, and in the Ross Sea.
Antarctic Research Location(s)
No fieldwork (all research conducted remotely)
Research Keywords
Thermochronology, Geochronology, Landscape Evolution, Subglacial Geology, Paleoclimate
NSF Antarctic Program
Antarctic Earth Sciences
SCAR Science Group Affiliation
Geosciences Group
Current SCAR Group Participation