United States
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

Melisa Diaz

Post-Doctoral Scholar
Woods Hole Oceanographic Insitution
Geology and Geophysics; Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering
Research Interests
Melisa Diaz is an interdisciplinary geochemist with a focus on the cryosphere. She studies both terrestrial (e.g. soil) and hydrologic (e.g. ice, streams, lakes) systems to understand salt and nutrient cycling in extreme environments, which can inform biogeography on Earth and other planets/moons.
Antarctic Research Location(s)
McMurdo Station
Field camp - helicopter access
Dry Valleys
Research Keywords
geochemistry, biogeochemistry, terrestrial, hydrology, Dry Valleys
NSF Antarctic Program
Antarctic Earth Sciences
Other NSF Antarctic Programs
Antarctic Glaciology
Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems
SCAR Science Group Affiliation
Geosciences Group