United States
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

Joanna Kelley

Associate Professor
University of California Santa Cruz
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Research Interests
The Kelley Lab is located at University of California Santa Cruz in Santa Cruz, CA. Our research focuses on evolutionary and functional genomics and adaptation to extreme environments. We are interested in understanding how populations diverge and adapt to the environments they encounter. To identify and characterize specific genes and pathways that underlie adaptive change, we combine statistical and genomic approaches with knowledge from organismal and ecological studies. We study the genomic bases of physiological adaptations in vertebrates in extreme environments, such as hydrogen sulfide-rich and polar environments.
Antarctic Research Location(s)
McMurdo Station
No fieldwork (all research conducted remotely)
Other Antarctic Research Location(s)
museums / other collections
Research Keywords
adaptation, molecular biology, genomics, population genetics, fish
NSF Antarctic Program
Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems
SCAR Science Group Affiliation
Life Sciences Group