United States
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

Hayley Kwasniewski

PhD Student
University of Colorado Boulder
Environmental Studies
Research Interests
Hayley Kwasniewski is an interdisciplinary scientist working at the interface of marine biology and physical oceanography. Using tools like monitoring of indicator species, biogeochemistry, and modeling, Kwasniewski seeks to understand ocean transport with the help of marine species like the Antarctic toothfish. They are also very passionate about applied science at the science-policy interface.
Antarctic Research Location(s)
No fieldwork (all research conducted remotely)
Research Keywords
Marine biology, interdisciplinary research, physical oceanography
NSF Antarctic Program
Antarctic Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
Other NSF Antarctic Programs
Antarctic Earth Sciences
Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems
SCAR Science Group Affiliation
Physical Sciences Group
Current SCAR Group Participation
Proposed expert group SCARFISH