United States
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

Christine Siddoway

Full Professor
Colorado College
Research Interests
Christine Siddoway is a field geologist whose expertise spans structural and metamorphic geology. Beginning in 1989, her work in Antarctica has focused on the geology and tectonics of western Marie Byrd Land and the Ross Embayment, that make up the major part of the West Antarctic rift system. Over 35 years, her investigations have entailed 6 seasons working from remote, self-supported camps; two international expeditions (German, Italian); large multi-institution collaborations that employed geophysical remote sensing; and collaboration on the compilation of the first online, full-continent digital map of Antarctica (Antarctic GeoMAP, SCAR). Currently she is investigating iceberg-rafted detritus (IRD) from IODP379 in the Amundsen Sea, to extend knowledge of subglacial bedrock of West Antarctica and Pliocene fluctuations in extent of the WAIS. An extraordinary quantity of crystalline clasts, and rare sedimentary clasts reached the IODP379 and IODP382 deepwater drill sites.
Antarctic Research Location(s)
Field camp - fixed wing access
Other Antarctic Research Location(s)
Self-supported remote camps (5 to 6 persons); Ross Embayment via geophysical remote sensing (ROSETTA-Ice); IODP deep water drill sites
Research Keywords
West Antarctica bedrock evolution, Gondwana margin tectonics, Marie Byrd Land, Bedrock topography, Bedrock-icesheet interactions, Pliocene WAIS
NSF Antarctic Program
Antarctic Earth Sciences
Other NSF Antarctic Programs
Antarctic Integrated System Science
International Ocean Discovery Program (Expeditions 379 and 382)
SCAR Science Group Affiliation
Geosciences Group
Current SCAR Group Participation
SCAR INSTANT (member), https://scar.org/science/research-programmes/instant; SCAR GeoMAP (Contributor and Deputy Chair), https://scar.org/library-data/maps/geomap-geological-mapping (Work completed 2023)