United States
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

US Antarctic Science Meeting - abstract deadline May 24

Reminder - 2nd US Antarctic Science Meeting (No registration fee)
Abstract deadline May 24 (submit your abstract here)

Meeting details: June 20-23, 2023 (two hours each day: 3 pm EDT, 2 pm CDT, 1 pm MDT, 12 pm PDT, 11 am AKDT, 9 am HST)
Registration: On line (Zoom) conference hosted by the US Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (US-SCAR)

US-SCAR is supported by funding from the NSF/Office of Polar Programs/Antarctic Sciences

In 2021 the US Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (US-SCAR) hosted the first US Antarctic Science Meeting. We are now preparing for the 2nd US Antarctic Science Meeting (June 20-23, 2023). The US Antarctic Science Meetings are for US scientists who are conducting research in, from or about Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. Scientists interested in getting involved in Antarctic research through US programs are also welcome and encouraged to attend. This conference is open to all US scientists and anyone interested in US Antarctic research.

The meeting will provide opportunities for US Antarctic scientists to get together and present their work, and for early career researchers and others new to Antarctic science to learn about SCAR and the various resources available to US scientists for Antarctic-related research. There will be a mix of research presentations, panels (SCAR, NSF/OPP/Antarctic Sciences, and Antarctic Science and Policy) and social activities for the US Antarctic community to meet and interact. The panels will have brief presentations by panelists, and ample time will be devoted to questions and discussion. It will be a Zoom meeting, not a webinar.

If you have any questions, please contact Deneb Karentz karentzd@usfca.edu, US Delegate to SCAR.

Hope to “see” you in June!

Sincerely, Deneb and the US-SCAR Team

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